
Revolutionize Your Workplace with AI and Automation for Increased Efficiency

Learn how AI and automation are transforming business productivity and operations. Discover tips on streamlining tasks, enhancing decision-making, and more with insights from Capitally.

Empower Your Business: Steps to Achieve Financial Resilience

Learn actionable tips for building a financially fit life as an entrepreneur. Explore cash flow management, income diversification, cost control, and more to boost your

From Setback to Success: Overcoming Cash Flow Challenges

Discover how a client overcame cash flow challenges with our help, unlocking opportunities to expand their product offerings and secure new markets.

Enabling Growth – A Recent New Client

We recently started working with a new lumber mill client in rural Ontario. They had just started operations, so there was no chance of a

Working Capital Options You Never Heard Of

Has “everyone” said you aren’t eligible for additional working capital? When a bank line isn’t an option, or can’t be increased under current circumstances, business

Creative Skill Set Outsourcing

Reflections on, “Small Business Week Kick-off – Let’s talk solutions for today’s business challenges”, a BDC event last fall.

Communicating For Cash

Good communication methods can increase your chances of obtaining the financing you are looking for.

Our Solutions Provide Good Value

Capitally is far less expensive than an equity partner or turning down profitable work due to a working capital shortage, and our client controls how

Great Customer Service and Other Accolades

Our client satisfaction survey results are in and we’re proud to share our success in customer service and outstanding alternative funding solutions.

Client Satisfaction Survey Results – We Nailed It!

Often, our promises relate to our efforts to bring a new client on board quickly, or to meet an existing client’s urgent working capital need

Everything you need in one place.

We’re dedicated to putting a comprehensive range of financial solutions at your fingertips, all under one roof. Our commitment extends to businesses like yours, with offerings like Asset-Based Lending that can provide up to $20 million in support for businesses with a solid credit history and advanced financial reporting.

But it doesn’t stop there – we understand that your journey is unique. That’s why we also offer Purchase Order Financing and Equipment Financing and Leasing.

With all these options available in a single place, you’re never far from the solutions you need, even as your business evolves. This accessibility becomes truly priceless when unexpected challenges or promising opportunities arise, demanding action. Our goal isn’t just to be a service provider; it’s to be your responsive partner in every phase of your business growth. No matter the change or shift in your needs, you can count on Capitally to be by your side, ready to offer the right solution at the right time.

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